First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Email Address (required)
Address (required)
City (required)
Zip Code (required)
Contract Specification
*Specifications for a turn on include:
Pressurizing the system
Checking for visual leaks
Inspecting and adjusting all heads
Testing the back up battery and setting the controller to the spring setting
If any repairs need to be made, the service technician will review them with the home owner
**Specifications Service Call / Preventive Maintenance Inspections include:
Adjust heads
Moving or raising heads due to accommodate seasonal plant growth
Regulating timer due to season changes & checking for leaks
***Specifications for closing a system include:
Air blow-out of all irrigation lines and shut down of all controllers
All material is guaranteed to be as specified. This is a labor warranty only. All work to be completed in a workman like manner according to standard practices. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Unless otherwise stated, there shall be a one year warranty on all workmanship and materials from date of completion.
Property owner is responsible for property and boundary lines as well as any unmarked underground piping and/or electrical lines.
(All prices are subject to change without prior notification to customer)