Stop and think about this for just a moment, when you get a drink of water from your office water fountain or the faucet in your home sink, you are putting an awful lot of trust in the public filtration systems. After all, if they aren’t doing what they should, you could wind up getting violently ill when you drink water. It seems as though every so often, with regular recurrence, you read about high levels of contamination found in a city’s drinking water. To drive this point home, educate yourself on what recently happened in Flint, Michigan.
Now, you can continue to trust your local government and hope the water you drink, the water your family drinks, is all good and free from contaminants, but this would be naive. There are many cities and municipalities that provide water to the population that comes directly from a local lake or river. And it is in these very same lakes and rivers that people swim, boat, fish and otherwise enjoy. But that very water where so many people will swim in today will be spewing from your faucet tomorrow. Not a very settling thought. What should be even more concerning is when you see livestock soaking in the very same lake where you get your tap water.
Think about the journey your tap water takes from its original source to your home. No doubt your water travels by, if not through, factories and other industrial places who use this water to clean products and machinery. The very same water you drink could also be contaminated by unwanted chemicals dumped by these industries. Because we all know every company obeys laws concerning illegal dumping.
So just how do you know of the water you drink is safe?
There are agencies that do water testing to ensure it meets minimal standards in quality. But again, you are putting your trust in an agency that really doesn’t have your best interests at heart. In addition, these tests are performed at the water treatment facilities and there is no way to ensure the water you drink hasn’t been contaminated from the plant to your kitchen. You see, there are no provisions that require testing or filtering past a certain point, meaning you really don’t know what is in your water.
Our point is that you really don’t know how safe your water is. Without adequate testing, there is just no way to know.
Water testing in your New Jersey home can help you determine if the water you use to bathe, cook and drink is safe to use. This is why you need to call us. After all, you have no resources to perform proper water testing and this means there is a chance you are drinking water that could be causing a wide range of health issues. Think about it, there could be a number of times that you or other family members suffered an illness or allergies for no apparent reason.
Don’t assume the water you drink is safe, have it tested.