Your home might be your castle, but it may as well be surrounded by a moat if you have a terrible looking yard. From growing trees to planting a garden to building a stone walkway, landscaping your yard is a wonderful way to make your outdoor space just as appealing as your indoor space.
Proper landscaping for your Charlotte home is more than just throwing grass seed down and sprinkler installation, it takes a little more effort than that. There are any number of ways you can create a beautiful lawn through landscaping, some ways can be relatively inexpensive. If you are at a loss as to how to even start a landscaping project, here are a few tips.
Greet The World With Flowers
Flowers always make a home look more welcoming. A good start to your landscaping project would be to find a few prime locations to have small flower gardens. If this isn’t an option, simply buying some decorative pots, planting flowers in them and placing them on your porch and patio will do just fine.
Erect a Fence
Erect a little white picket fence in your front yard. The fence itself will look great and add depth and character to your yard, but it also provides a fabulous backdrop to colorful flowers you plant along it.
Rambling Vines
Another way to help make the most of your yard is by planting rambling vines. There is nothing that looks as good as green tendrils winding around a fence or up a column, especially if it is a type of vine that blooms. Blooms offer pretty purples, radical reds and beautiful blues. There are quite a few very showy vines out there if you are willing to look.
Planters and Baskets
The inside of your home isn’t one-dimensional, so why would you want a yard that is one-dimensional? Add layers to your yard with eye-catching elevated planters and hanging baskets. With minimal effort, you create a sea of beautiful colors both high and low for a visual effect that gives the impression of waves of flowers splashing through your yard.
Bloomin’ Shrubbery
Ask anyone what they think makes a yard look good and many will tell you it’s blossoming shrubs. Blossoming shrubs and trees will make a huge impact in the way your yard looks.
Hide Unsightly Structures
Sure, the shed out back holds the tools you use to keep your yard tidy and trim, but it isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing building. That’s fine, then do what you can to cover it up. Find a few big pots, fill them with tall flowers or other types of plants and place them all around the shed. This is a great way to cover that unsightly shed and make your outdoor space look better.
Garden Surprises
Create a garden paradise, an oasis in your backyard, by building a stone trail to a clearing where you have a lovely bistro set waiting to accommodate you for lunch. You might also have a fountain or statue to add to the atmosphere.
As you can see, landscaping is easy and rewarding.