Your retirement should be about picking old, abandoned hobbies back up, spending time with family and friends, and simply enjoying your free time, but dealing with the constantly looming responsibilities of being a property owner can become more and more time consuming as you spend more and more time at home. Maintaining your irrigation system, alone, can significantly eat into your free time. Enjoy your retirement, and spend it doing the things you want to be doing when you let the “Irrigation King” take care of your sprinklers.
If you’re retired and lack either the desire or the ability to maintain your sprinkler system, you should consider Tanz Inc.’s annual irrigation system service. When you complete an annual service contract with us, we’ll complete the following services on a yearly basis:
- Pressurize the mainline with water in order to detect leaks.
- Prepare for spring by activating and monitoring each zone. Leaks, defective parts, and damaged sprinkler heads are detected and repaired.
- Provide necessary sprinkler head adjustments.
- Check for nozzles and lines that have become clogged and clean as needed.
- Winterize (blow out) your irrigation system and shut down (or unplug) all controllers.
In addition to these services, you’ll also receive a 10 percent discount on parts and high-quality work from our team of experienced property maintenance professionals. Our teams are always prepared to take care of whatever inspection, repair, or other service you may need for your irrigation systems in New Jersey, and our trucks are stocked with an assortment of parts to ensure we can fix most problems on the spot. Contact us online to learn more about our irrigation system services.